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How to Unclog a Toilet Without a Plunger – Cleaning Your Toilet Bowls

These may be rare cases, but sometimes you need to figure out how to unclog a toilet without a plunger.  After all, most homes will usually have one as part of their bathroom utensils.  Nevertheless, there are times that these plungers will be missing in action, and you need to clean out the toilet bowl or perhaps flush it.


Easy and quick steps without the presence of the plungers will definitely help you unclog the toilets about 70 percent of the time.  Cleaning the toilet is something that most will not always look forward to as it is seen as disgusting, how much more when your toilet gets clogged up, and there are no tools that you can use.


The first step to the process is to check the water level.  When you have notice that it is about reaching the rim of the toilet bowl then you can try flushing it down once again.  Only this time, you need to tap your foot against the edge of the bowls gently, well, actually not too gently and not too hard as well.  It should be a tap that will try to move the clogged dirt inside.

Most of the time, this will be enough as a method on how to unclog a toilet without a plunger.  On the other hand, for those that have too much water and you have a hard time flushing, then try to take out excess water.  If there are solids in the bowl, wait for several minutes to let them soften.

Break down the hard solids with a piece of spoon or stick.  If you can take out some of them from the bowl, then it would be much better.  Dispose of them hygienically to prevent diseases.  Fill up a soda bottle with warm water and then keep your thumb onto the opening to prevent it from spilling over until you reach the hole of the bottom of the toilet bowl.

Fit this to the hole, and squeeze the bottle so that these warm waters will shoot down the pipes and dislodge the clog.  Repeat procedure until you have noticed the water simply flowing down.  The water pressure will help you on how to unclog a toilet without a plunger.